Friday, October 2, 2015

  • What is the topic you are reading about? I am reading about infectious deseases and that vaccines prevent diseases.
  • What is the source citation? Just copy and paste it from the bottom onto your blog.                                 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. "Vaccines Prevent Infectious Diseases." Do Infectious Diseases Pose a Threat? Ed. Roman Espejo. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2014. At Issue. Rpt. from "Vaccines: Understanding." Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 2 Oct. 2015.
  • Summarize the central idea of the overview in one or two sentences. the disease are very dangerous to people immune systems and overall health. 
  • List two to four specific details that support the central idea. The vaccine will put  small strand in your body so i can create anti bodies to fight the real one off.
  • Create an opportunity for further research by writing down two questions the text raises about the central idea (explicitly or implicitly). Explicit means stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt, while implicit means implied though not plainly expressed. What is in vaccine? and Can it become harmful. 
  • Write down one word or phrase whose meaning you do not fully understand. Microbe.
  • Next, write down what may be preventing you from understanding it (is it an unrecognizable term? an unfamiliar person, place, or allusion?) This is a word that i have never seen.
  • Use a third party resource (dictionary, thesaurus, Google search) to find its definition or meaning. Write it down. a microorganism, especially a bacterium causing disease or fermentation.
  • Write one question about the overview that you can pose to your peers in a discussion. Can vaccines be harmful to people?

  • What is the topic you are reading about?   I am reading about the afghan war.
  • What is the source citation? Just copy and paste it from the bottom onto your blog. DO NOT COPY THE URL!b "The War on Terror: Afghanistan and Iraq." National Security. Kim Masters Evans. 2009 ed. Detroit: Gale, 2009. Information Plus Reference Series. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 5 Oct. 2015.
  • Summarize the central idea of the overview in one or two sentences IN YOUR OWN WORDS. After the terrorist attack on 9/11 the us invaded afghan.
  • List two to four specific details that support the central idea IN YOUR OWN WORDSIn 2003 the United States opened a new front in the War on Terror by invading Iraq.
  • Create an opportunity for further research by writing down two questions the text raises about the central idea (explicitly or implicitly). Explicit means stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt, while implicit means implied though not plainly expressed. why did the U.S not bomb the middle east? Do you you think this reaction  by the U.S make us look weaker or stronger.
  • Write down one word or phrase whose meaning you do not fully understand.
  • Next, write down what may be preventing you from understanding it (is it an unrecognizable term? an unfamiliar person, place, or allusion?)
  • Use a third party resource (dictionary, thesaurus, Google search) to find its definition or meaning. Write it down.
  • Write one question about the overview that you can pose to your peers in a discussion

  • The National Review Online is a conservative news source that provides commentary on politics, news, and culture.

    • National Review Online. "Not a 'License to Murder'." Self-Defense Laws. Ed. Tamara Thompson. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2014. At Issue. Rpt. from "Not a 'License to Murder'." 2012. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 14 Oct. 2015.
    • Simply put, it is unreasonable to demand that crime victims go out of their way to avoid fighting back. Stand Your Ground and Castle Doctrine laws remove that demand, and the case of Trayvon Martin should not inspire their repeal.
    • If Stand Your Ground can be further clarified to prevent abuse, it should be, but any law can lead to injustice if its text is blatantly disregarded.
    • To justify his claim of self-defense, Zimmerman says that Martin attacked him without provocation, and then knocked him down and beat him. If this is true, Zimmerman had no ability to retreat—and thus would have had no duty to retreat even under the old law.